Heizung und Sanitär: Für ein gesundes und komfortables Zuhause

Eine gut funktionierende Heizung und Sanitäranlage ist wichtig für ein gesundes und komfortables Zuhause. Wir helfen Ihnen, die richtige Anlage für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden und diese fachgerecht zu installieren und zu warten.


00null — Manuel: How and Why

Problem: sometimes you want to make some document or resource available for download (ex: a whitepaper, brochure, report), but only after the downloader has provided their email address, read some T&Cs and clicked “Accept”. Setting this up could be a pain if you’re part of a non-technical organisation. Ideally you’d want a service to handle

Idea: clickwrap as a service

Problem: sometimes you want to make some document or resource available for download (ex: a whitepaper, brochure, report), but only after the downloader has provided their email address, read some T&Cs and clicked „Accept“. Setting this up could be a pain if you’re part of a non-technical organisation. Ideally you’d want a service to handle

Common Lisp: First Impressions

Close Subscribe Menu 07 February 2016 on lisp, programming I’ve been hacking around in Clojure for a few years now, and while I like the language very much there are a few quirks of the implementation which I still find irritating, namely the glacial startup time and general un-suitability to writing small programs. So this

sql – 00null Blog

This past month I’ve been getting re-acquainted with PostgreSQL. After about a year of learning and working with MongoDB, playing with PostgreSQL has been a refreshing » Shane Kilkelly on tag, postgresql, sql 02 March 2014

Making Cinnamon Look Good

This past week I’ve once again felt the need to fool around with and tweak my ubuntu installation. I know I shouldn’t, I always end up ruining a perfectly good workstation and needing to wipe the disk and start over again (plus, Unity isn’t all that bad in the first place), but I just can’t

(Easily) Generating Random Strings in PostgreSQL

This past month I’ve been getting re-acquainted with PostgreSQL. After about a year of learning and working with MongoDB, playing with PostgreSQL has been a refreshing change and a chance to brush up on old skills. One thing I stumbled was how to generate random (or at least random looking) strings, suitable for use as

javascript – 00null Blog

I enjoyed Douglas Crockfords talk on „Javascript, the Better Parts“, particularly the middle section where Douglas describes all the things he has stopped doing in Javascript, and gives an insight into the style he uses day to day. This-less programming In particular, I found his avoidance of the this keyword…