Idea: clickwrap as a service

Idea: clickwrap as a service

Problem: sometimes you want to make some document or resource available for download (ex: a whitepaper, brochure, report), but only after the downloader has provided their email address, read some T&Cs and clicked „Accept“.

Setting this up could be a pain if you’re part of a non-technical organisation. Ideally you’d want a service to handle it for you, which you can link to from your website.

Solution: a web app which allows a user to upload a document or other file, and „clickwrap“ it. A visitor can then be directed to the URL of the clickwrap’d file where they will be shown the „agreement“ text, prompted to fill in their email and click „accept“ before being given the file.


  • provide custom CSS and branding on premium accounts
  • better, deeper metrics on premium accounts
  • maybe restrict to a two-month free trial on free accounts