Common Lisp: First Impressions

Common Lisp: First Impressions

Close Subscribe Menu 07 February 2016 on lisp, programming

I’ve been hacking around in Clojure for a few years now, and while I like the language very much there are a few quirks of the implementation which I still find irritating, namely the glacial startup time and general un-suitability to writing small programs.

So this week I’ve been looking at Common Lisp, in search of another nice lisp dialect to add to my tool-box.

Some general impressions:

  • roswell is pretty nice, making it easy to get sbcl, quicklisp and asdf installed
  • Practical Common Lisp is a good book, very easy to read and gets right to the point without trying to explain what programming is from the ground up
  • SBCL seems fine, I’ve not had any trouble with it yet
  • The ecosystem seems to be plenty diverse, with robust implementations of all the things I’d care about
  • The language can be a bit weird:
    • To a beginner it’s not clear why getf, setq and co are named the way they are
    • Using higher-order functions can feel a bit clunky, using #'foo and (funcall foo x y z) feels much less clean than the equivalent code in Clojure. More than once I’ve stumbled on what to do when returning a lambda from a function, binding it to a var and then passing it along to another function
    • Common Lisp doesn’t seem to have a fundamental sequence abstraction like Clojure, so it’s a lottery trying to figure out which functions will work on whichever data-type you’ve got in hand.
    • Verbosity seems like it’s going to be a problem, function names are usually pretty long and there are no data-literals in the style of Clojures {}, [] and #{}
    • The Common Lisp Wiki looks like a nice source of up-to-date information on Common Lisp
    • Common Lisp makes uses the empty list ((), or nil) to denote boolean false, which I could see causing all sorts of problems when parsing formats like JSON. Actually, now that I think about it, this makes working with any external data basically untenable, the language simply doesn’t have a concept of empty-list, null and false being different things.

I think I’ll keep going with this one, despite some flaws Common Lisp does look like a promising language and a good candidate for small, compiled programs and little network services.

Shane Kilkelly’s Picture

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