Heizung und Sanitär: Für ein gesundes und komfortables Zuhause

Eine gut funktionierende Heizung und Sanitäranlage ist wichtig für ein gesundes und komfortables Zuhause. Wir helfen Ihnen, die richtige Anlage für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden und diese fachgerecht zu installieren und zu warten.


The First Week of Nightchamber

(Reposted from the main Nightchamber blog) Just over a week ago I set up the nightchamber.com server, posted my first thought and stared at the screen. “Well, it’s live” I thought to myself. There is some satisfaction to be had in bringing an idea to fruition and seeing it actually work on screen. But nightchamber

Announcing BedquiltDB

This morning I pushed a set of significant changes to the various projects which make up BedquiltDB. With the addition of schema constraints I feel this is the right time to formally announce the projects existence. What is BedquiltDB? BedquiltDB is a json document store built on top of PostgreSQL. If you’ve ever wanted a

The Last Few Months

A lot has happened for me in the last few months. Some highlights: New Job In August I joined the team at sharelatex.com. We’re working on a new product called DataJoy. It’s awesome. Lots of other stuff Which I can’t really remember, or don’t feel like talking about online. Welp, BedquiltDB version 2 is finally available.

Snapchamber Launch

Easy Webcam Snapshots Over the holidays I spent some time working on a little side-project.snapchamber.com is a web site which allows you to easily share snapshots taken from your webcam. Just take a snap, save it and share the link, which will last for six hours before the snap is deleted from the database. This

Evil Emacs

Over the last weekend I changed editor (again) I’ve been using vim for a while now, probably a few years. It’s fast and lightweight and I can use it over an ssh session, which blew my mind coming from Sublime Text. My mind was blown even further once I got accustomed to the keybindings and

Idea: Git hosting with more social

Inspired by a post on Hacker News: create a new competitor to GitHub, but with more focus on the social aspect of “Social Coding”. Organisations Projects/Repos Reddit-like discussion threads attached to things like issues, branches, commits and pull-requests Easy hyperlinking between discussions, issues, commits, etc Obviate the need for OSS projects to host their discussions/community

Use the Unix: m4 as a CSS pre-processor

While reading up on BEM and other modern CSS methodologies I came across several articles which advised keeping nested CSS rules to a minimum, for the sake of minimizing specificity and also for the sanity of the developers. I then got to thinking about CSS pre-processors such as LESS and SASS (both of which I’ve

BedquiltDB v0.4.0

Today I released v0.4.0 of BedquiltDB. Changes include: New skip, limit and sort options to find queries node-bedquilt now uses ES6 features, and thus requires node >= 4.0.0 Improved documentation, including a new BedquiltDB Guide Welp, BedquiltDB version 2 is finally available. Improvements include: New “Advanced” Query operators A remove_many_by_ids operation $created and $updated sort specifiers skip

BedquiltDB v2

Welp, BedquiltDB version 2 is finally available. Improvements include: New “Advanced” Query operators A remove_many_by_ids operation $created and $updated sort specifiers skip and sort parameters to find_one Marginal performance improvements Better documentation A whole new website An official Docker image for an easy-to-use PostgreSQL/BedquiltDB server Let’s take a look at the most significant new feature… Query Operators


Because automation should be easy to use and compose, easier than handling a directory full of individual shell scripts. Because manuel makes bash easier to work with, you can automate your project without introducing complex dependencies. If you know how to do it by hand in a bash terminal, you already know how to do

Manuel: How and Why

In my day-to-day work as a software developer, I find myself moving into a bunch of different directories and running some repetitive commands to “activate” or “launch” the project in that directory. Ideally I’d like to be able to type something like x-activate after I cd into a directory and have it just do The

Using GNU m4 as a CSS pre-processor

While reading up on BEM and other modern CSS methodologies I came across several articles which advised keeping nested CSS rules to a minimum, for the sake of minimizing specificity and also for the sanity of the developers. I then got to thinking about CSS pre-processors such as LESS and SASS (both of which I’ve